A Longer Life with Tea

Last month World Tea News reported on a study connecting chamomile tea and longevity. Now the Journal of Clinical Nutrition may have similarly good news for drinkers of Camellia sinensis. Multi Generation Family On Countryside Walk This study, conducted by researchers in Australia, combed through health records from the Western Australia Data Linkage System for a group of 1,063 women over the age of 75. The health records were used to get a picture of their diet and, in turn, the flavonoid levels that they consume in foods and beverages like tea.The women were then tracked over a five-year period, noting their survival rates and, as necessary, causes of death. After five years, 12% of the women had died.The researchers found that the group that consumed larger amounts of flavonoids had lower incidence of death by heart disease and cancer, the top two causes of death in older women. They also had 40% lower overall mortality than the women who did not consume at least 350mg of flavonoids. Tea is not the only source of flavonoids. These compounds can also be found in fruits like blueberries, vegetables, wine and chocolate. However, in the Australian study, tea was the most common source. The good news is that consumption of just two cups of tea is enough to make a difference. This is an easily achievable goal for most lovers of tea. The study, “Flavonoid intake and all-cause mortality” was published in the April 2015 issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. SOURCE: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and IOL Lifestyle