Sprinkled between the hundreds of other gourmet food products at the 2014 Winter Fancy Food Show in San Francisco, tea exhibitors managed to be recognized as trendsetters and leaders by event organizers and foodie journalists. Chocolate flavored teas were considered hot and the owners of two tea brands won industry awards. Tyler Gage of Runa Tea claimed the Citizenship Award for their support of the people of Ecuador and Ron Rubin of Republic of Tea was recognized for his business leadership. In his acceptance speech, Gage noted that he was born the same year that Ron Rubin and Republic of Tea first exhibited at the Fancy Food Show.
Walking a show of this diversity, it's interesting to see the impact that tea has on the food industry and the education that exhibiting businesses provide. Hoping to capture some of the restaurant and grocery trade, the nearly sixty tea products illustrate tea's diversity and flair, making it an increasingly popular food product.