The Tea Council of the U.S.A. has announced the celebration of National Hot Tea Day for January 12, 2016. Tea fans are asked to honor tea as a special beverage in their lives. The day comes in the middle of what has already been recognized as National Hot Tea Month. WTN060111_TeaCouncilLogoPeter Goggi, the president of the Tea Council of the USA said in a press release, “While iced tea has been the preferred brew of American tea drinkers, anecdotal evidence suggests consumption of hot tea is on the rise. Not to mention, hot tea sales in the U.S. have increased more than 17% over the last five years. Whether you prefer green, black, oolong or white tea, there is something for every palate, and National Hot Tea Day is something everyone can enjoy and participate in.” What are some ways that your tea business can celebrate this day?
  • Serve your favorite blend in honor of the day
  • Post “staff picks” in your shop to show customers the range of teas that your employees enjoy
  • Head over to Twitter to post some interesting tea facts to share with your readers
  • Offer a discount or daily special to customers who demonstrate their love of tea in a unique way
  • Wear your favorite tea-shirt
  • Use Facebook to post pics of your shop celebrating the day
We’d love to hear how your business will be celebrating National Hot Tea Day and Month. Head over to Facebook to share your ideas.