Tea Assisted New Year's Resolutions

WTN150112_ART_FitTeaStarterPackIt is time for New Year’s resolutions and quitting smoking and getting fit are two of the more popular ones. Two companies are focusing on using tea to help consumers reach these goals. Fit Tea is being promoted as a detox product that can help immune systems, encourage the burning of fat and improve digestion. The product is a blend of green tea, Wuyi oolong, rooibox, ginger, pomegranate, guarana, birch, stevia, corn and honey. Tea purveyors will not be surprised to see another product focusing on tea for weight loss. It has been a trendy topic for years and interest in it doesn’t seem to be waning. Customers like the idea of a simple diet addition that could help them lose weight. A 2013 research study provided evidence that tea can boost metabolism and encourage weight loss when paired with resistance training. Concerns have been raised about other “weight loss teas” in the past, however, as when SkinnyMe tea received negative press for its extreme approach. It is important for tea sellers to be clear about what tea can do and cannot do for customers interested in maintaining a healthy weight. WTN150112_ART_Quit-Tea-Logo300x105Quit Tea is addressing another concern for people looking for a more healthful lifestyle. According to a Business Wire press release, founder Matt Bucklin turned to herbal teas in lieu of picking up a cigarette. The intent is to substitute the habit of lighting up a cigarette with the habit of sipping tea. The company states that the herbs help satiate cravings and relaxes people. The blend is a mix of valerian, sarsaparilla, St. John’s Wort, clover, licorice, cinnamon, ginger, burdock, cloves, oregano, fennel, cayenne pepper and black pepper. As tea’s popularity continues to climb, it is likely that products like these will continue to hit the market regularly.