Kenya's Tea Production is on the Rise

The Kenya Tea Board has reported that Kenya’s tea production in May spiked to 39.6 million kilograms against 37.3 million kgs recorded in May 2012, according to CapitalFM Business.
Kenya's Tea Production
Mombasa Auction
The Kenya Tea Board believes the continued rainfall in Kenya is responsible for this growth.  In May 2013, 25.4 million kgs of Kenyan tea was sold at the Mombasa Auction against 12.8 million kgs recorded in May 2012. Supply of Kenyan tea has increased over the last year and in turn has increase export volume. During the month, Kenya exported tea to 6 fewer countries than in 2012 because a fall in demand among buyers and importers. Egypt is the largest importer of Kenyan tea, having imported 22% (9.8 million kgs) of the total volume. Other major importers include Afghanistan, Pakistan, the United Kingdom,  and the United Arab Emirates. SOURCE: CapitalFM Business